MHS Students Learn About Military Careers at National Guard Experience Event
On Wednesday, Nov. 14, seven Milton Hershey School high school students attended a National Guard Experience Event where they learned about the mission of the Pennsylvania National Guard, potential military careers, job training opportunities, and equipment available to the National Guard.
“Students were able to step inside simulators that helped them learn how to handle a military vehicle over different terrains and in different weather conditions,” said Jenifer Benson, MHS Career Services Support Specialist. “They also explored a military vehicle used by medics, attended a drill session, learned about physical fitness expectations, and met members of the PA National Guard.”
Through the experience, students also learned about the time commitment and expectations of National Guard enlistment, the role the National Guard has in protecting the United States borders, and the benefits of enlisting to determine if they want to pursue the military as a post-graduation option.
To continue providing students with guidance and support as they make their decision, a recruiter from the PA National Guard visits campus monthly to meet with students and help them prepare for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam, physical fitness expectations, and careers within the PA National Guard.
Milton Hershey School also offers support to high school students as they create goals for their future through our Graduate Programs for Success (GPS) Division. Our career services specialist provides students with preparation and resources if they are interested in enlisting in the military.
Currently, 15 MHS students are considering the military as a post-graduation option. MHS senior, Jordan Edmonds, recently met the physical standards for the Army National Guard and plans to enlist and complete basic training this summer.