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Marc Yu ’94

After moving to San Francisco from the Philippines, Marc Yu ’94 and his brother lived in the projects with their mother. After they began to get in trouble with the law, their mother drove them to Hershey, PA where they enrolled at Milton Hershey School.

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They immediately got involved with music, sports, and other activities. “Our goal was to get in the yearbook as many times as possible,” Marc joked. On a serious note, Marc said he had a strong desire to be successful in all of his activities at MHS.

“What I got out of it was structure, discipline, and a sense of drive.”

Marc graduated from MHS and attended Penn State University. He received his bachelor’s degree in chemical and material science engineering. A couple of years later, he also received his real estate certificate.

He worked for various companies before beginning his current position as a research scientist at Designerx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biotechnology company in California. Marc also works as a real estate broker and insurance broker while he pursues his Ph.D.

Marc is an active volunteer in his community, and he credits Milton Hershey with his desire to give back.

“At the end of the day, I want to give back. Milton Hershey created this foundation for me that will never leave me. It’s like once you learn to ride a bike, you’ll never stop forgetting how to ride it. I passed that [lesson] on to my children, and the opportunity I received from MHS I’m never going to take for granted.”

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