Parent/Sponsor Support Resources
Surrounded by Support
Parents and sponsors are an important part of the Milton Hershey School community. We want to make sure you have everything you need to support your child, and that you feel supported, too. Explore our support resources, specifically geared to help parents and sponsors transition to having a child at MHS.
Strength of a Spartan Sponsor
When it gets tough to be away from your child, we’ll help you tap into our Sacred Values, the four key qualities of being a Spartan Sponsor:
- Integrity
- Positive Spirit
- Mutual Respect
- Commitment to Mission
These qualities keep you strong in your dedication to both the school and your child. They help you focus on the future possibilities that open up to your child at MHS.
Staying Connected
Here you’ll find all the support resources you need to stay connected to your child and the school.
Family Relations
The MHS Family Relations team helps parents and sponsors build a lasting relationship with the school. Contact us for guidance in how to best support your child—or to seek additional support for yourself.
Phone number (call/text): 717-283-2555
Connect Online
Visit our video library to watch coping tips and messages just for parents and sponsors.
Connect with Other Parents
Find support from other MHS parents and sponsors in the Spartan Family Network.
Virtual Campus Tour
Get to know the Milton Hershey School campus buildings and facilities. Navigate through the 7,000-acre campus and learn about MHS programming. You can begin by clicking on the icon below.
Spartan Sponsor Blog
Many of our parents and sponsors have shared their stories of sending a child to MHS. They’ve been where you are today and know just how you feel—and are an important part of your support resources.